Showing posts with label Morality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morality. Show all posts

5kYL: Principle Twenty-seven


Debt is a burden that should be remedied immediately. Whereas an individual's debt may concern only two parties, a national debt affects everyone. Originally, according to the founders, the national debt was to be absolved within the generation that incurred it. Unfortunately, in circumstances as we face today, our national debt may also affect and enslave ones yet unborn.

As you are surely aware, the size of the national debt is of great concern to the electorate, as evidenced in the Tea Party movement as well as the national movement for the scheduled March on Washington.

5kYL: Principle Twenty-six


Norman Rockwell Family TreeThere is a rich tradition of family in America. And much discussion has been made about marriage and the definition thereof. Also, an importance has been realized that the family must be stable consisting of both mother and father and that children benefit from having both parents in their lives. This "nuclear" family is what the government should promote and protect. But in what capacity is the government's role in protecting the family?

What in our culture is threatening the institution of marriage?

Why is it important for both parents to be present in raising their child(ren)?

5kYL: Principle Twenty-three


It appears we are re-enlightening ourselves as they did in the early years of this country. The founders and their predecessors understood the importance of an educated electorate, as we are now rediscovering. They also realized that the key to proper education began at the local level. I fear that now our universal educational system has become too political. Religion and morality is taught in fewer schools in place of cultural diversity and sexual education. I'm sure that the "No Child Left Behind" act was full of good intentions, but still fails in comparison to results found in private schools and those homeschooled.

I too support universal education and feel that along with the defense of the country, education is the only other truly adequate use of our tax dollars. However, only in so much as each child that benefits from those tax dollars may have the choice of which institution to attend. We have witnessed the success of students whom are able to take advantage of school voucher programs in parts of the country. This is a practice that should apply to all children, though.

5kYL: Principle Three


"Public officials should not be chosen if lacking in experience, training, proven virtue, and demonstrated wisdom." We are obviously not electing "Angels" to represent us so it is imperative that we electors vet candidates thoroughly for high moral character.

Instead of "career politicians" who are in constant campaign mode vying for the next rung of political power, there needs to be a sense of duty by the people who have the talent and virtuous qualities and patriotism. Anyone qualified should feel encouraged to run for office who believes that it is an honor to work as a servant of the people.

In regard to compensation, we see the ever increase in Washington and in the State capitals. Alternatively, we are ever saying the police and firemen and the military are underpaid for their service. Yet it is they who genuinely serve in our eyes, and honorably I may add.

5kYL: Principle Two


From the 9/12 project:
1. America Is Good.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
"Public Virtue" is what allowed the construction of the Constitution in the first place. Adhering the Golden Rule the founders had to concede some personal desires in order to craft the document that we revere today.

We see the "Tide of Reform" rising again with the advent of the 9/12ers and the Tea Parties. This type of moral reform is what cultivates a virtuous revolution.

Are we witnesses to an Awakening in the U.S.? The people are now aware of the atrocities done against republicanism and the mandates of the Constitution over the last century or so. Just like during the American Revolution of the 1770's, we realize we can not hold on to this American tradition if we are not morally strong.

Jefferson said, "Virtue is not hereditary," so our nation must continually reaffirm it's virtue, generation after generation. We don't look to Washington D.C., but to family and our faith for our reaffirmation. School is also where we learn virtue, therefore according to Benjamin Franklin the importance of good teachers. If a government wanted to subvert the moral direction of a nation, the major sources of information would have to be controlled. In this modern culture, schools and television are the two major sources of information.

5kYL: Principle One


From the 9/12 project:
2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
This is a simple and easily understood principle:
  • Love God and
  • the truth of His Justice.
  • Love your fellow man.
Follow these commandments and government becomes irrelevant. The foundation of society must be Nature's Law. Laws created in antithesis to Nature's Law are by definition, evil.

Questions to consider:

In the Declaration of Independence there is an affirmation of Nature's Law with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But what laws enacted thereafter oppose Nature's Law?

Is the permitting of abortion opposed to Nature's Law?

Is the recognition of gay marriage acceptable under Nature's Law?

The acquiescence of some States the bondage of fellow man in involuntary servitude was practiced and legal until the ratification of Amendment 13 of the Constitution of the United States. What becomes a Nation that permits such laws?