5kYL: Principle Two


From the 9/12 project:
1. America Is Good.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
"Public Virtue" is what allowed the construction of the Constitution in the first place. Adhering the Golden Rule the founders had to concede some personal desires in order to craft the document that we revere today.

We see the "Tide of Reform" rising again with the advent of the 9/12ers and the Tea Parties. This type of moral reform is what cultivates a virtuous revolution.

Are we witnesses to an Awakening in the U.S.? The people are now aware of the atrocities done against republicanism and the mandates of the Constitution over the last century or so. Just like during the American Revolution of the 1770's, we realize we can not hold on to this American tradition if we are not morally strong.

Jefferson said, "Virtue is not hereditary," so our nation must continually reaffirm it's virtue, generation after generation. We don't look to Washington D.C., but to family and our faith for our reaffirmation. School is also where we learn virtue, therefore according to Benjamin Franklin the importance of good teachers. If a government wanted to subvert the moral direction of a nation, the major sources of information would have to be controlled. In this modern culture, schools and television are the two major sources of information.

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