5kYL: Principle Three


"Public officials should not be chosen if lacking in experience, training, proven virtue, and demonstrated wisdom." We are obviously not electing "Angels" to represent us so it is imperative that we electors vet candidates thoroughly for high moral character.

Instead of "career politicians" who are in constant campaign mode vying for the next rung of political power, there needs to be a sense of duty by the people who have the talent and virtuous qualities and patriotism. Anyone qualified should feel encouraged to run for office who believes that it is an honor to work as a servant of the people.

In regard to compensation, we see the ever increase in Washington and in the State capitals. Alternatively, we are ever saying the police and firemen and the military are underpaid for their service. Yet it is they who genuinely serve in our eyes, and honorably I may add.


  1. Anonymous00:30

    I must go back to Reagan to find a President who was of high moral character, if not thoroughly vetted. The inexperience is evident in the current President. The prior President was elevated based on his family name. President Clinton was obviously not virtuous due to his perjurous actions and sexual promiscuity. And Pres. Geo. H. W. Bush was exalted by riding the coat-tails of Ronald Reagan.

  2. I read that statement in the book and thought, "We're totally violating that today!"

    I wonder if truly virtuous people find they are too virtuous to handle being a politician -- like it's a negative environment that just corrupts you.
