Liberty vs Tyranny

Have I been shirking my responsibility in writing about Liberty & Tyranny? Ummm Yep. And I'm sorry for that. But I have a few things I would like to get off my chest.

Here is my thesis:
It has become increasingly evident that conservatism wins in the arena of ideas.

Does it bother you that you are labeled as Nazis and racists? Should it bother you? Well, somewhere deep inside of me screams "Yes!" I feel I must defend myself.

Why do conservatives have to keep defending themselves?

I am NOT a racist!

But consider why we are called bigots of every variety. It's because we have the winning argument. By calling us racists, the Statists are in essence on the one hand ceding the point, on the other merely projecting.

The Statist will claim conservatives have no constructive argument of our own, but nothing can be further from the truth. For us the answers are simple, because the answers are rooted in deep principled beliefs. However, here is the crux. Where conservatives' ideas are "simple" we have to work hard to formulate them, because we use history and experience as our guide and logic and knowledge as our tools. Antithesis to this method, the Statist uses his feelings and "good intentions" to promote ideas.

Consider the "stimulus" package, the troop withdrawal from Iraq, the release of prisoners from Gitmo, and the Cap-and-Trade and Health-care proposals. All these are devises of the Statist and have certain things in common. All are plans without thought to consequences and all are an attempt to unmake the reasons why this country has always prospered and led on the world stage. In their world, results don't matter. So damn the consequences and damn the USA. It's about power and that's it. These elitists think of us in the non-political class as ignorant and too stupid to run our own lives.

So when we, the silent majority begin to speak up, they 1. aren't used to it and don't know how to react and 2. react in the only way someone without principles and reason can react. Call us RAAAAACISTS.

Here are some more RAAAAACISTS!!!
h/t Other McCain for the nomenclature of racism
Another Black Conservative
Magic Negro Watch
Mary Baker
Booker Rising
My Voice on the Wings of Change
Star Parker
Joseph C. Phillips
Zo Rachel
Truth From A Non-Hyphenated American
Wait... those are Conservative, Black <gasp!> bloggers and writers!

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