We are intelligent people. We listen to the news reports from the press. People hear news on television broadcasts, cable channels or radio broadcasts. We also read newspapers and magazines. We look at the headlines on the New York Times, or other major papers. Most of us read the first pages, or watch and listen to the top stories. Those top stories are what the editors believe is the most important news for the people. That is the nature of news - information someone else believes is the most important news for the people. Yet, our intelligence is continually assaulted by what we hear and read because our American press has forgotten we are still here. This insult is enhanced further when the Internet, the major mass communication vehicle, is also used by not only the press, but those who believe the press. There is little regard to maintaining the human aspect when words are bereft of human intellect and only presented with human emotions. This is, by it's very nature, how the Internet operates. It is impersonal by its very nature. Unless the facts can speak for themselves, the meanings of the written words are overcome by the writers who allow their own personal feelings to creep into the articles or dialogues. So what mechanism to we turn to to find out what is taking place in the world around us? People are turning to other people who share common sense, positive human emotions and the human instinct of the search for truthful information, also called knowledge.
Throughout the last several years, even longer, we've been receiving more fiction than fact from our press. This is the reason so many news outlets are failing. It is also the reason we no longer pick up the major newspapers in any attempt to read the news stories. We simply want the facts presented to us so that we may form our own, intelligent decision about the information being presented as news that is happening around us. We know what misinformation is and this is misinformation.
At what time in America did this happen when the news is no longer the news, but opinions of the facts being presented as news? It’s been a slow, yet inevitable progression that has finally reached its pinnacle.
Our President made the rounds of the Sunday morning commentary shows. He was on more than 5 different channels, which ones they were really do not matter. Yet he declined an interview with Fox News. Why would he, our President, avoid answering questions by a man, respected by many people, who simply had questions to ask of our President? Could it be that President Obama may realize he isn’t going to convince clear-thinking, logical people that any proposed healthcare reform legislation is unacceptable? It appears he is unwilling to talk to those who pay taxes and are responsible adults. During his Sunday morning interviews, the President mentions the 30-47 million souls whom are either not insured or are underinsured, whether by choice or financial reasons. He tries to explain that it is all due to the rising costs of healthcare. Why are they rising? Would it possibly have anything to do with government legislation that has stifled our free market? Rising costs are due to government control of our wealth, not our taxes. It’s the nature of our economics and no force of government can truly stop that engine. The exception would be the fundamental transformation of our country we call America. Change we are expected to believe in.
We should be spending time with our families and friends, but we can no longer afford the time to devote it wholly to our families. Not when our lives, the lives of our children and the lives of future generations are truly at stake. We are simple, but highly intelligent people. We love and honor our freedom, what little we have left of it. This is what we give ourselves as Americans. No government, not even America, ever gives freedom to its people. Our government, from the time our Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution, has failed its people by slowly eradicating the meaning of the words that are the very basis of our government. This is a living document; however, it's words live in our hearts, minds and finally, as we have matured as humanity, our instincts. How could this document ever change if we the people haven’t changed in our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness?
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