RfR: Prologue

The way to change our world

Alinsky claims there were few who survived the "McCarthy holocaust" though I say any number of Marxists/Communists who remains is too many.
A.D.D. Moment:
We conservatives may consider ourselves radical because we feel we're in the minority. However, any instance of the word radical in this book is a euphemism for Statist.
The main thesis of this book is change. And just like the '08 campaign rhetoric, there is no substance. It is change for the sake of change. How is this change to transpire? By working within the system and making the system appear broken and corrupt (see The Cloward-Piven Strategy). "[R]evolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change." Change is to happen by organizing. But the youth only, please. The older generations are out of touch and too stupid to understand. But as the devil understands, it takes time "to build a powerful organization," so patience is the key. Communication and keeping the pressure on are other key tactics to promote change.

The Statist's democratic ideal

"[T]he greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual." There are seemingly innumerable evil phrases in this book. Try this one: "People cannot be free unless they are willing to sacrifice some of their interests to guarantee the freedom of others." Also, try out this next one where S.A. used de Tocqueville to prop up his words to warn citizens to remain active in self-government: "Citizen participation is the animating spirit and force in a society predicated on voluntarism." However, voluntary assumes an individual's choice, which is not the agenda of the Statist.

Change is the means. But what is the end game? What is the result of the Radicals' revolution of change? We conservatives know our end game, but hadn't until recently discovered the means or the strategy. So we organize and turn these strategies on the enemies of liberty.

Enjoy this inspiring message from Congressional Candidate Lieutenant Colonel Allen West

Cloward-Piven Strategy:
American Daughter
Discover The Networks.org
Check out this archived article on Required Volenteerism
and this one on a made-up holiday.

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