This influenza is a real epidemic; it has spread too quickly for anyone to believe otherwise. The moment we realized it was being carried on the wind quicker than we hoped, this is when epidemic status was attained. It must be noted, however, this influenza strain has not yet proved itself to be as fatal as the annual ritual of our influenza season.
Justice is another basis for an example of a tipping point. The Scales of Justice are balanced by Opposition and Support usually held in Lady Justices’ left hand. Her other hand holds the sword that is symbolic of Reason and Justice. These concepts that lead to what we know is Justice have lasted, throughout civilizations around the world, from the time of the Gods through today. The true balance of these scales has not been altered, simply our perception of Justice.

The scales are accurate; however, the weight is distributed unevenly on both sides.
Justice, as we all know, is also blind, not just a balance. Justice cannot see skin color, it cannot see human emotion, and Justice can only hear the arguments being presented by both the Opposition and the Supporter. The loss of the one sense, sight, limits Justice to using only what she can hear as well as all the wisdom she has gained over history. Our government, from decades ago till today, has tipped her scales in their favour, not ours, we the people. Reason and Justice are warped and this is evident if we truly admit this to ourselves. We can admit this only when we see for ourselves, with open eyes, the situation we as people, in this lifetime, find ourselves in.
We’ve simply reached our tipping point in America and must realize this.
We’re wrapped up once more with the progressive nature of humanity, tethered to those who believe themselves to be representative of us. They are failing us once more and we know this. Some are holding to their firm convictions that the administration they believe they placed into power, are working to (change) restore our country. These convictions are simply ideals and are empty of humanity. Our values and principles are the force behind our humanity. This is the true will of the people. Most of us are busy about our lives, which is as it should be. Yet we are also aware that something is tipping, something is off balance. It didn’t happen overnight, although it feels as if it did. It’s simply escalated in the last 9 months, although it’s been happening all of our lives.
We must be paying closer attention before we ask ourselves, what happened? Our tipping point is here. Reason and Justice must prevail again before only Opposition and Support become the basis for our free will – the direction the scales are tipping towards in September 2009, A.D. (A.C.E)
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