5kYL: Principle Twenty-five


The goal in regards to forming relations with other nations was initially intended to be within the doctrine of separatism. This means that instead of completely walling ourselves off from other nations, which is the doctrine of isolationism, we are to freely exchange with each other through commercial relationships. However, it was from political relationships we wanted to isolate this country. This includes forming alliances that may entangle the U.S. in foreign disputes.

Let us suppose that we have an alliance with Luxembourg (which we do via NATO) and suppose that Luxembourg becomes involved in a dispute with Kazakhstan that leads to war. Now because of a treaty between us, we must come to the aide of Luxembourg. Even though we may be more politically aligned with Kazakhstan and they may be entirely justified in warring with Luxembourg, we are forced into action to defend an allied country against our own nation's interests. I must point out that an alliance like this only benefits a country like Luxembourg that has a military of less than a thousand without navy or air force, because, of course, they know the U.S. will help protect them, so they need not spend much resources on a military.

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